
How Elevate Legal Services transformed their video meetings with easy to use video conference


Elevate  Legal Services are a law company. Who offer consulting, technology  and services for law departments and law firms. Elevate operate in  5 countries  with 15 offices and 1100+  staff.  Elevate are committed to improving outcomes for legal professionals. Elevate unlock project management, client and workflow management, and operational processes for their customers.

To keep helping their customers grow, they need to  communicate effectively. With key staff in different  locations globally it would not be ideal to do so in person.  Elevate relies on quality video conferencing that replicates  the connection of human meetings.

The Challenge: The Need for More Productive Meetings.

Every business grows with great communications and  relationships. Traveling to and from meetings is not  ideal. Besides the stress and cost, the company has to  protect  staff from Covid-19.

And they had to do so speedily. With stringent  deadlines to meet, a video conferencing solution  had to be set up with premium quality.

Although Elevate had used video conferencing in their  meeting rooms before they could not share content  and collaborate seamlessly, providing a boardroom to  boardroom immersive experience cross Atlantic.

They needed a solution that could enhance collaboration  at an affordable price.

CME were at hand to meet these requirements.

Cloud Made Easy and Elevate: The Solution

Elevate discovered they needed expertise and speed to meet their needs, and upon recommendations to  contact Cloud Made Easy, they reached out to us for a custom video conferencing solution in their London  boardroom on Chancery Lane, in the heart of the legal sector in London.

Ultimately, they chose us because of our meticulous process, speed, and customer-focused approach.

Cloud Made Easy collaborated with Elevate,  and together:

  • Consulted with Elevate to understand their needs  clearly
  • Determined the right technology and method to use
  • Project managed the experience and delivered an  easy-to-use, one button to push experience in  Elevate’s meeting room
  • Ran a proof of concept beforehand to troubleshoot  any network challenges
  • Trained the team to use the video conferencing tool  easily

Throughout the process, we focused on a terrific customer and user experience just as much as we deployed our technical abilities.

The Results

The solution improved Elevate’s meetings.

With CME’s video conferencing tool,  Elevate holds boardroom meetings between London and  USA colleagues like they were in-person, but  without traveling.

They can plan, work and drive excellent results for  their customers, as if they were in the same room.

Mylan Lieu from Elevate, when discussing the increase  in their productivity remarked;

Cloud Made Easy helped  transform our meetings into powerful sessions. Through  video, we can work effectively as a team. I believe that  CME will be key to our future remote and virtual work solutions’.